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Jun Wang

PhD, Ecole Polytechnique, University of Montreal (2016)

Assistant Professor in Advanced Materials Thrust, HKUST-Guangzhou

Affiliated Assistant Professor in Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, HKUST, Hong Kong

Email: junwangc@hkust-gz.edu.cn; junwangc@ust.hk

Biography summary

Jun Wang obtained his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Ecole Polytechnique, University of Montreal in 2016, and subsequently conducted postdoctoral research at Polytechnique and University of Toronto. Prior to joining HKUST, Professor Wang worked as a Research Scientist and the Technical Lead for the Rheology, Thermal, and Morphology Laboratories at NOVA Chemicals in Canada. He successfully developed and commercialized the world's first fluorine-free polymer processing aid technology.

Professor Wang currently leads the Lightweight and Interfacial Materials Group (LIM) to understand phase separation and interfacial behaviors in heterophase polymer systems, and thus to design new materials. His current research efforts focus on functional micro/nano-cellular foams (electromagnetic wave absorption, thermal management, etc.), mixed ionic/electronic conducting polymers, and high-performance polymer blends and composites. He is also motivated to develop polymer upcycling technologies to enhance material sustainability and circularity. In 2021, he received the prestigious Young Researcher Travel Award from the International Polymer Processing Society. He has published over 20 peer-reviewed articles and submitted 4 U.S. patents.

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